by Scott | Jun 22, 2018 | Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, Electrical Upgrades, Electrician Santa Rosa
As smart home technology continues to evolve, plenty of early adopters have already jumped on board. Others are waiting for prices to drop and the capabilities to become more mainstream. No matter which wagon you’re on, you should start with the proper electrical...
by Scott | Jun 15, 2018 | Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, residential electrical repair, Residential Electrician
Few electrical issues get such a bad rap as aluminum wiring. When properly installed (or with retrofitting to ensure safety), you have no real reason to be concerned about aluminum being used for your home wiring. At the same time, we understand the hesitation....
by Scott | Jun 1, 2018 | Electrical Repairs, Electrical Tips, Fuse
You might have heard—from a friend, a neighbor, or a real estate agent—that your old fuse box needs to be replaced ASAP. That might be true, but you have no reason to panic. Only a licensed electrician can tell you for sure if you should replace a fuse box with a...
by Scott | May 18, 2018 | Electric Repair, Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, Electrical Upgrades
What’s a bigger hassle than getting an electrical inspection? Being ordered to tear out wiring because the work was done improperly, for starters. Losing your home to an electrical fire would the worst-case scenario. Homeowners should get an electrical inspection...
by Scott | Apr 17, 2018 | Electric Repair, Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, Electrical Tips
As JFK said, “The time to repair a roof is when the sun is shining.” He was making a State of the Union address, but this thinking should also apply to electric repair. Most people wait until something goes terribly wrong before calling the electrician. You’re...
by Scott | Apr 11, 2018 | Electric Repair, Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, Electrical Tips
“Aluminum is the most common metal in the earth’s crust, almost twice as abundant as iron. And one common class of aluminum minerals, collectively called alum, has been in use since at least Greek and Roman times.” – Sam Kean The reason why I led this blog...