by Scott | May 4, 2018 | Circuit Breaker, Circuit Breaker Problems, Circuit Breaker Repair
Electrical code requires ground fault interrupter protection in more places than ever. For new construction or remodeling, this poses no inconvenience. But you might be wondering if you need to replace old outlets with GFCI outlets in an existing home. The short...
by Scott | Apr 24, 2018 | Circuit Breaker, Circuit Breaker Problems, Circuit Breaker Repair
Your breaker panel might seem like a fixed and permanent part of the home, but it’s really just a middleman that can be replaced. The job of a fuse box or breaker panel is simply to make the distribution of power go safely and smoothly from the utility provider to...
by Scott | Mar 28, 2018 | Circuit Breaker, Circuit Breaker Problems, Circuit Breaker Repair
Most people only notice circuit breaker problems when they affect day-to-day life. You turn on the microwave, and the kitchen lights go dark. A particular circuit breaker trips all the time, and you keep resetting it because nothing else seems to be wrong. Everything...
by Scott | Jan 24, 2018 | Circuit Breaker, Circuit Breaker Problems, Local Electrician
A circuit brеаkеr iѕ a vеrу imроrtаnt раrt of еlесtriсаl wiring in a hоmе bесаuѕе it iѕ a vеrу essential ѕаfеtу fеаturе. Without сirсuit breakers, household еlесtriсitу wоuld nоt еvеn bе рrасtiсаl bесаuѕе of thе роtеntiаl danger оf a firе and оthеr hаzаrdѕ. It iѕ an...
by Scott | Jan 10, 2018 | Electrical Problems, Electrical Repairs, Electrical Upgrades, Local Electrician
Although considered to be extremely useful people are urged to remember that electricity is something that can pose serious threats to people or property if not handled correctly or facilitated in a safe manner. Responsible for a significant percentage of house fires...